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Multi-Axis Charts

Multi-Axis charts are used to plot data points from a query along two or more axes. Unlike dual-axis (combo charts), data is plotted on the x-axis, the y-axis and the z-axis (when appropriate), each having different data points and values. Dual-axis charts plot data on two different y-axes: primary and secondary (one on the left and another on the right), using the same x-axis category values.

Multi-axis charts use the row listing of cells from a query as data points. As such, the columns represent the various axes used in the plot. Depending on the chart type, 2, 3 or 4 columns are used to construct the plotted "data-point".

Multi-Axis Examples

Multi-axis charts are a powerful means for seeing the relationship between two or more variables and are typically used for in-depth statistical analysis. The examples below explain how they operate. Multi axis charts include scatter (X/Y) plots, Bubble charts and Polar charts.

NOTE: Stock charts and Candlestick charts are not technically multi-axis charts. They do, however, need multiple data points to be useful - in much the same way as scatter, bubble etc.

Sample Data Set

The following data set is used for the examples that follow:

Scatter Plot Explained

The following scatter plot is produced using the above dataset. Note that the data-point for New Jersey uses the values for the first two columns of the dataset, being plot as (39,475,795, 10.7%) on the x and y axes respectively. The third column is also plotted against the first column to create the SECOND series of data in the chart (Margin). Because of a disparity between "Sales" and "Margin", the margin series has been plotted on the secondary y-axis on the right.

Bubble Chart Explained

The bubble chart below is produced using the above dataset. Notice that the data-point for Pennsylvania uses the values for the three columns of the dataset, on the x, y and z axes respectively. The z-axis in this case is represented by the SIZE of the bubbles.

Changing Multi-Axis Columns

Using the Multi-Axis chart options button in the Chart Options button group on the chart ribbon tab, users can change which columns are used where in the plot.

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